Men's Wellness

Our Top 7 Heart Health Supplements

Our Top 7 Heart Health Supplements

Are you loving your heart right? You can take proactive steps today that will help maintain your cardiovascular health for years to come. To help you and your family make heart-healthy choices whenever you can, we’ve put together our favorite products and tips for really nourishing your heart.

Why Is Heart Health So Important?

Your heart is an essential organ that keeps you alive. The cardiovascular system is an amazing network of blood vessels, and it’s powered by the heart. The heart beats an average of 100,000 times a day, whether you’re asleep or awake. Its job is to push oxygen-rich blood to every part of the body, including to itself. Blood travels through thousands of miles of blood vessels so every cell can get what it needs. The cardiovascular system also transports waste products away from cells for elimination. Obviously, keeping this system ticking is a key part of overall wellness!

Some Top Supplements for Heart Health

One way to support your hard-working heart is with healthy Omegas, targeted vitamins, and full-spectrum botanicals with science-backed heart benefits.* To help you build the right supplement regimen for you, check out 7 New Chapter® products that deliver these ingredients for heart and cardiovascular support.*

Omega-3s Omega-3s

Wholemega™ fish oil supplements provide effective heart-health support* and may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Other fish oil benefits include brain, eye, and joint health support.* Sustainably sourced Wholemega is extra-virgin, fresh-pressed, certified responsibly caught, and made with Non-GMO Project Verified salmon oil. Looking for a vegan option that’s still packed with Omegas and sustainably sourced? You’ll love our Vegan Omega-3 Complex , crafted with heart-healthy Omega-3s DHA and EPA straight from the pure, plant-based source: microalgae.

Get planet-friendly Omega-3 fatty acids.

Black Seed Black Seed

Clinical research shows the one-two combination of Black Seed ( Nigella sativa) and Turmeric can deliver impressive health results. Our pioneering Turmeric & Black Seed Blend delivers a clinically studied combination of these two botanical powerhouses to support metabolic health goals, including cardiovascular benefits such as maintaining cholesterol levels already in the normal range and supporting normal blood pressure.*

Seek clinically studied herbs for metabolic health support .*

Grape Seed Grape Seed

Supporting healthy blood pressure is helpful for your heart. Enter Grape Seed extract. The main ingredient in our Blood Pressure Balance formula is a natural Grape Seed extract, clinically shown to maintain blood pressure already within normal levels.* This high-quality extract is a potent combination of 7 varieties of wine grapes. Blood Pressure Balance is also formulated with complementary Maitake mushroom, potent Black Currant, and pure Holy Basil (Tulsi) .

Dial in to maintaining healthy blood pressure .*

Cinnamon Cinnamon

Cinnamon is known for its ability to help the body maintain healthy blood sugar levels, key for cardiovascular health, and it helps maintain normal blood glucose following a meal.* Cinnamon Force™ from New Chapter is expertly formulated with two types of Cinnamon, and for each type delivers two kinds of extracts for Cinnamon’s full symphony of plant chemistries.

Choose supercritical blood sugar support .*

Magnesium Magnesium

The mineral Magnesium plays a key role in cardiovascular health, energy metabolism, and nerve transmission. New Chapter Magnesium tablets deliver a highly absorbable form of this essential mineral that your body can use effectively. We include researched Magnesium bisglycinate that's bound with an amino acid so it can be recognized and absorbed by your body, with low risk of GI effects. The bisglycinate form actually has 2.5x better absorption than the leading form (as shown in preclinical lab testing on buffered Mg bisglycinate).

Replenish with well-absorbed Magnesium .

Turmeric Turmeric

One of our favorite herbs has heart support on its impressive résumé of benefits. We’re talking all-around superfood, Turmeric ( Curcuma longa). Turmeric has been clinically tested to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels already in a normal range, a process that supports cardiovascular health.* Our Turmeric Force™ formula is an excellent way to add Turmeric to your day. It delivers 400 mg of concentrated Turmeric extract made from 4,560 mg of Turmeric. We’ve crafted this Turmeric supplement for optimal curcumin absorption by using two types of extracts for a whole-herb, whole-food approach. No black pepper needed!

Absorb the goodness of whole-herb Turmeric.

Vitamin D3Vitamin D3

Maybe you know how fermented Vitamin D3 promotes proper absorption of Calcium to maintain strong, healthy bones and teeth. But did you know that a side benefit of this process is heart-health support? It’s believed that by helping Calcium get to where you need it in your bones, Vitamin D3 is also helping to support the cardiovascular system. Unfortunately, many Americans don’t get adequate Vitamin D. Taking a reliable supplement, such as New Chapter’s one-daily tablets that are rich in organic Vitamin D3, can be a great way to fill nutritional gaps. D3 is the most bioavailable form of this fat-soluble vitamin.

Stock up on organic, fermented Vitamin D3 .

Nutrition for a Healthy Heart

If supplements can help your heart, you can bet that the food you consume can also make a big impact! How heart-healthy is your weekly eating pattern? To help you assess, check out our list of heart-healthy foods and habits , inspired by the American Heart Association.

  • Eat a rainbow of colorful fruits and veggies. Fresh is great. Frozen is also great.
  • Choose high-fiber options, like whole-wheat bread, whole-grain cereal, and brown rice.
  • Go for good fats, like fish, nuts, avocado, and unsaturated fats (nutrition facts labels can help).
  • Avoid saturated fats when possible—these are fats that are solid at room temperature.
  • Pick lean proteins, including beans, lean meat, and low-fat dairy.
  • Limit or avoid alcohol.

Your Heart Health Shopping List

Healthy Habits for Heart Health

To round out the healthy ways you can protect your heart each and every day, take a look at your overall lifestyle. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, healthy habits like the following are important for supporting your heart.

Get up and get moving!

Experts recommend regular physical activity as an important step in supporting heart health. Aim for at least 2.5 hours of moderate exercise each week.

Get checkups. 

Follow what your healthcare professional recommends, which may include blood pressure and cholesterol screenings. You can also talk with them about any family history of heart challenges.

Sleep well.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention connect good sleep with heart health in no uncertain terms. Take a few minutes to think about ways to improve your sleep naturally . It could be as simple as picking a regular bedtime and sticking to it.

The Bottom Line

While the cardiovascular system is incredibly complex, simple steps help support it each day. Put your heart into the little things, and it can add up to a big difference! 

New Chapter is here to help, with excellent quality supplements that support key aspects of heart health. From us to you, it’s all about wellness, well done.


Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. See nutrition information on product packaging for total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol content.

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