Are you getting the most out of your multivitamin? New Chapter multivitamins are formulated for absorption with fermented vitamins & minerals that your body will recognize as food.
Multivitamins your body can actually absorb.
Since 1986, New Chapter® has been fermenting key vitamins and minerals in our multivitamins. Why the extra step? Because whole-food fermentation helps to level up key nutrients for your body to recognize as food. We think the best fermented vitamins come from this transformative approach, delivering food your body knows to keep you nourished and fueled every day. It’s the difference you can feel!
Our Process
Give your body nourishment it can use.
Leading multivitamin formulas aren’t working hard enough. Many multivitamins are made with just synthetic, isolated nutrients and do not include any whole food or fermented ingredients. We know from research that some consumers are experiencing digestive discomfort with these formulas.
Step 01.
Organic good yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is mixed with natural plant carbohydrates.
Step 02.
High-quality nutrients (vitamins and minerals) are added to the yeast solution.
Step 03.
Organic, non-GMO soy and organic whole foods, such as alfalfa, carrot, and orange peel, are added for continued fermentation.
Step 04.
The yeast begins to biotransform the vitamin or mineral by absorbing the nutrient into its cell structure.
Step 05.
Enzymes from tropical fruit are added to slow down fermentation and soften the yeast’s cell walls.
Step 06.
Beneficial bacteria L.acidophilus, B.bifidum, and L.rhamnosusare added and low heat is applied to complete the fermentation process.
Step 07.
Individual fermented nutrients are blended into formulas to support each life stage’s needs, then tableted to create our whole-food fermented multivitamins.
Looking for our high absorbency multivitamins?

New Chapter multivitamins are different. We were founded by an herbalist who owned a health-food store, with the vision of delivering whole-food forms of nutrition to every body. Our multivitamin formulas are crafted with a whole-food approach to create supplements that mirror nature’s wisdom. How? We formulate with vitamins and minerals that are fermented to unlock nature’s profile of beneficial compounds. Fermentation helps your body recognize nutrients as food, meaning you’re nourished from within, you’re filling nutritional gaps, and you can feel your best. Switch to whole-food fermented multis, and you’ll get the full value out of every multivitamin tablet.

We transform multivitamins through a fermentation process similar to making fermented foods and drinks. Just as fermentation enhances regular foods into superfoods like yogurt, miso, and kombucha, we start with top-quality organic whole foods, nutrient-tested ingredients, and organic yeast for each New Chapter multivitamin.
Our patented fermentation method envelops each premium vitamin and mineral in an organic Saccharomyces yeast and whole-food superbroth, where the yeast absorbs the nutrients, creating a nourishing whole-food form. This process is akin to making sourdough bread: if you consume salt by itself, it's overwhelming, but when fermented with whole-food ingredients, it becomes easily absorbed and beneficial to the body. This whole-food fermentation approach makes our vitamins more like natural food.

A healthy, happy gut is essential for wellness and for getting the nourishment your body needs each day. To support a good environment for the gut, you can take a multivitamin that is made with fermented ingredients.
Our products are formulated for your system to absorb in comfort. We fine-tune the levels of each high-quality vitamin and mineral, choose types that work best with the body, and ferment key nutrients. The result? Multivitamin formulas that are so gentle you can take them anytime to let the ingredients do their job of supporting immune health, bone health, hair, skin & nails, heart health, digestion, energy, mood, and more.*

New Chapter multivitamins and single nutrients are blends of fermented nutrients PLUS the growth media in which they were cultured, also called fermentate. Including the fermentate delivers unique compounds produced by friendly Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast during fermentation. In other words, the growth media itself is bursting with beneficial compounds from the fermentation process. We would never throw that away.

Yeast is a type of food—like the nutritional yeast that can be sprinkled on popcorn, for example. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a powerful yeast that is essential in New Chapter’s fermentation process. Why? Because its cells share many basic biological properties with human cells, so it’s helpful for integrating nutrients into a complex that your body recognizes as food. When used in fermentation, Saccharomyces cerevisiae is known to contain trace minerals and produce beneficial compounds called beta-glucans.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae is substantially different from an invasive yeast like Candida albicans. Think of it like the difference between kale and poison ivy—both have green leaves and are from the plant kingdom, but there the similarities end.
New Chapter multivitamins are different. We were founded by an herbalist who owned a health-food store, with the vision of delivering whole-food forms of nutrition to every body. Our multivitamin formulas are crafted with a whole-food approach to create supplements that mirror nature’s wisdom. How? We formulate with vitamins and minerals that are fermented to unlock nature’s profile of beneficial compounds. Fermentation helps your body recognize nutrients as food, meaning you’re nourished from within, you’re filling nutritional gaps, and you can feel your best. Switch to whole-food fermented multis, and you’ll get the full value out of every multivitamin tablet.
We transform multivitamins through a fermentation process similar to making fermented foods and drinks. Just as fermentation enhances regular foods into superfoods like yogurt, miso, and kombucha, we start with top-quality organic whole foods, nutrient-tested ingredients, and organic yeast for each New Chapter multivitamin.
Our patented fermentation method envelops each premium vitamin and mineral in an organic Saccharomyces yeast and whole-food superbroth, where the yeast absorbs the nutrients, creating a nourishing whole-food form. This process is akin to making sourdough bread: if you consume salt by itself, it's overwhelming, but when fermented with whole-food ingredients, it becomes easily absorbed and beneficial to the body. This whole-food fermentation approach makes our vitamins more like natural food.
A healthy, happy gut is essential for wellness and for getting the nourishment your body needs each day. To support a good environment for the gut, you can take a multivitamin that is made with fermented ingredients.
Our products are formulated for your system to absorb in comfort. We fine-tune the levels of each high-quality vitamin and mineral, choose types that work best with the body, and ferment key nutrients. The result? Multivitamin formulas that are so gentle you can take them anytime to let the ingredients do their job of supporting immune health, bone health, hair, skin & nails, heart health, digestion, energy, mood, and more.*
New Chapter multivitamins and single nutrients are blends of fermented nutrients PLUS the growth media in which they were cultured, also called fermentate. Including the fermentate delivers unique compounds produced by friendly Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast during fermentation. In other words, the growth media itself is bursting with beneficial compounds from the fermentation process. We would never throw that away.
Yeast is a type of food—like the nutritional yeast that can be sprinkled on popcorn, for example. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a powerful yeast that is essential in New Chapter’s fermentation process. Why? Because its cells share many basic biological properties with human cells, so it’s helpful for integrating nutrients into a complex that your body recognizes as food. When used in fermentation, Saccharomyces cerevisiae is known to contain trace minerals and produce beneficial compounds called beta-glucans.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae is substantially different from an invasive yeast like Candida albicans. Think of it like the difference between kale and poison ivy—both have green leaves and are from the plant kingdom, but there the similarities end.