
What are Ginger Supplements? 8 Commonly Asked Questions

What are Ginger Supplements? 8 Commonly Asked Questions

So versatile. So delicious. So ZINGY. Yes, we’re talking Ginger—the beloved rhizome that brightens up everything from soup to stir-fry to gingerbread. When it comes to herbal healing, long tradition and current research confirm the many health benefits of Ginger. Let’s uncover all things Ginger by answering eight common questions about this spicy ally.

1. What is Ginger?

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is native to the humid tropics. It’s part of the Zingiberaceae plant family, along with Turmeric and Cardamom. The plant part used in herbal medicine is often mistaken for a root, but it’s technically a rhizome. A rhizome grows underground like a root, but it’s a horizontal stem with nodes that can grow both leaves and roots. Above ground, Ginger grows up to 4 feet high and has gorgeous flowers. But honestly, we think Ginger’s true beauty is in the Earth--that spicy rhizome loaded with active constituents like zingiberene, gingerols, and shogaols.

Ginger has been used for thousands of years in traditional healing systems. It is known as jiang meaning “defend” in Traditional Chinese Medicine and vishwabhesaj meaning “universal medicine” in Ayurveda, the holistic healing system of India. It was also important in the spice trade throughout the Middle East and Europe. Fun fact: It’s been recorded that around the 13th century, a pound of Ginger had the same worth as one sheep. All this long history has inspired a number of modern clinical studies to test and prove the effect of Ginger from a scientific perspective.


2. Can Ginger Help with Digestion?

Maybe you’ve tried a natural Ginger lozenge or some flat Ginger ale for a queasy tummy. This home remedy does make sense, because Ginger is a tried-and-true superstar for digestive health. Ginger supports GI (gastrointestinal) tract health as well as healthy overall digestion. Pregnant women can look to Ginger to help reduce nausea from morning sickness (which, of course, can happen any time of day or sometimes all day). The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists states that Ginger root capsules can help with pregnancy-related nausea. Ginger uses and benefits also make it a great travel companion. It helps to soothe motion sickness and calm tummies on-the-go.

3. Is Ginger Good for Inflammation?

Like its anti-inflammatory cousin Turmeric, Ginger is a powerful herbal ally for supporting your healthy inflammation response. Yep, inflammation is a normal, healthy process in the body! In fact, this inflammation response is essential for maintaining whole-body health. It can work like this: In the body’s natural cycle of activity and recovery, blood and nutrients are sent to the area in need. The resulting inflammation can sometimes be felt as occasional pain or soreness. Many people notice this kind of minor pain or discomfort after exercise, like a workout or even a brisk walk. That’s the body’s healthy inflammation response doing its job. Ginger can play a potent role in helping to move this natural cycle through its stages and toward healthy resolution.

4. Can Ginger Help with Natural Pain Relief?

When it comes to Ginger’s uses in complementary and alternative medicine, it may be best known for its role as an herbal pain reliever. Science shows that Ginger can help soothe aches and pains, such as the typical muscle soreness experienced after exercise.* Ginger’s active compounds can make it a remarkable herbal ally for pain relief.


5. Is Ginger Good for Your Heart?

You gotta love that Ginger is linked to heart health benefits, too! Specifically, Ginger has been studied for its ability to support blood platelet health. More research is needed to understand the full potential of Ginger’s unique constituents for supporting blood health and protecting heart health overall.

6. How Much Ginger Should You Take?

There is not a specific recommended amount of Ginger to consume every day. That said, some of the world’s healthiest cultures consume Ginger regularly as a food. If you enjoy this pungent spice, there are many ways to add it to your routine. A concentrated Ginger supplement, for example, makes it easy to get active Ginger benefits in just one capsule per day.

7. How Long Does Ginger Take to Work?

Ginger’s phytonutrients start to enter your system as soon as it’s digested. In terms of benefits, the timeframe you can expect depends on the benefit you’re seeking and the dosage you’re taking. Concentrated Ginger is a great choice for adding this beneficial herb to your regimen. New Chapter’s potent Ginger capsule is made with two types of extracts, supercritical and traditional, to give you a symphony of Ginger’s active constituents so it can really do its job. If you’re interested in Ginger to help with a specific area of health, check with a healthcare professional for medical advice about your needs.

8. Where Is Ginger From?

Ginger is believed to be native to Southeast Asia and has become a popular crop around the world, especially in hot climates such as India, Nigeria, and Thailand. Ginger is at home in many cuisines and healing traditions, from Asia and India to the Middle East and the Caribbean.


What is Different About New Chapter’s Regeneratively Farmed Ginger?

For use in supplements, we believe that Ginger should be harvested from where it grows best. How it’s grown is also important. As a company fiercely committed to sustainability and rejuvenating our planet however we can, we’re proud to use supercritically extracted Ginger that’s regeneratively grown in India. What’s regenerative agriculture? It’s the practice of managing land through holistic, organic methods that have the power to heal the soil and even reverse climate change.

Ways to Get Ginger in Your Diet

Ginger is so delicious and versatile that it can be really easy to add to your day. For example, Ginger syrup is a refreshing ingredient that’s popular for craft cocktails and DIY sodas. Ginger is a favorite kombucha flavor for many people. Even Ginger Switchel is making a comeback–the thirst-quenching “haymaker’s punch” served in hot weather and made with Ginger, water, vinegar, and maple syrup.

Ginger Tea

Chilly or achy? Warm yourself through and through with a steaming mug of Ginger tea. You can make it with freshly chopped Ginger or use dried rhizome or Ginger powder. You can also buy Ginger in tea bag form. If you really want to soak in its benefits, herbalists even suggest infusing a hot bath with Ginger tea. (Rinse off in the shower afterward.)

Ginger Snacks

Ginger is an incredible addition to entrees. There are also plenty of ways to feature it as a snack!

  • Pile pickled Ginger slices on sushi or plain rice.
  • Bake your own granola and include powdered Ginger.
  • Grate Ginger and mix into your favorite vinaigrette for salad dressing with a kick.
  • Make no-bake energy bites with Ginger, rolled oats and nut butter.
  • Add fresh Ginger to a green or berry smoothie.
  • Make your own pumpkin spice mixture by combining Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmeg & Cloves–then add to your coffee, bagel, yogurt… anything!

Ginger Supplements

Ginger is a fantastic ally for health and New Chapter’s herbal formulators use it in many of our formulas. We think these are the perfect way to get Ginger’s benefits into your everyday routine, with trusted potency and excellent quality every time.

Simply Potent Ginger

Get the no-nonsense power of pure and potent Ginger packed into just one capsule daily. Ginger Force™ is made with regeneratively farmed supercritical Ginger from India, and crafted to support digestive health, healthy inflammation response, and heart health.*

Ginger for Joint Health

Our premier herbal for pain relief, joint support, and healthy inflammation response is Zyflamend™. This award-winning, clinically studied blend of 10 pure herbs includes two types of Ginger extracts, plus organic Green Tea, Rosemary, Turmeric, and more.

For Restful Nights

The pain-relieving power of Ginger meets an optimal dose of non-groggy Melatonin to help you get sweet, restorative sleep.* You can fall asleep naturally and wake up refreshed with this drug-free, non-habit-forming blend.

For Moms-to-Be

As a pure whole food, Ginger is a gentle go-to for soothing nausea related to pregnancy. All New Chapter prenatal multivitamins are crafted with a clinically studied dose of tummy-friendly Ginger. Be sure to talk to your prenatal care provider with any questions about supplements or ongoing morning sickness.


Ginger is a Wonder Herb!

New Chapter® has been in love with herbs since we were founded back in 1982, and Ginger is very high on our list. We share Ginger’s incredible intelligence in many of our herbal supplements, delivering pure and potent extracts of full-spectrum, whole Ginger rhizome. No synthetic compounds, no additives—just like our whole Force line.

With Ginger for occasional pain relief after exercise

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